Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
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Company Location(s): | Cochran, GA |
Books per Year: | 10 |
Number of Employees: | 1 |
Description: | Publish your book in 24 hours for $400 with Anaphora: https://anaphoraliterary.com.
Anaphora Literary Press is warmly inviting submissions from both first-time, and established writers in all genres and book categories, and from all over the world. Most submitted books are accepted. Rare rejections are issued to books with too many noticeable errors, and reprints that have not been significantly changed from the original. A poetry collection should have at least 40 poems, while prose should have at least 75 double-spaced pages to meet the hardcover minimum page-count. Anaphora has been in business for 16 years, since 2009. It has published over 300 creative and non-fiction book titles. Its PLJ and CCR journals do not charge reading or publication fees, and offer free pdf issue copies in exchange for publication. These journals are popularly viewed on EBSCO and ProQuest. The Pennsylvania Literary Journal has published interviews with best-selling and award-winning writers such as Geraldine Brooks and Larry Niven, as well as thousands of short works from unrecognized writers. PLJ is seeking short stories, poetry, and other genres. And the Cinematic Codes Review is actively soliciting reviews of films, or TV shows, scholarly essays on cinematic themes, and art. Services included in the standard $400 Book Package: • Standard services include the formatting and design for interiors and covers of ebook (Kindle), softcover and hardcover editions, book trailers, press releases, merchandise design, book review (free in pdf/epub) submissions, light proofreading, LCCN/ISBN assignment, international distribution, LibraryThing Early Reviewers ebook giveaway, original illustrative art, and other components necessary for a successful publication. • With help from pdf review copies and press releases, most Anaphora writers schedule readings, and several have booked top venues, such as Barnes and Nobles, AWP, and major libraries. • Media coverage about Anaphora’s books have been featured in newspapers and magazines (including reviews in Publishers Weekly and Library Journal), and on major network broadcasts across the world (NPR/ Fox). • Anaphora has exhibited its titles at SIBA, ALA, SAMLA, RMMLA, AWP, and many other international conventions. • Profits are split 50/50% with writers. • Authors can also purchase additional services, such as the shipping of printed review copies, the purchase of Amazon, Facebook or other advertisements, or sponsor exhibits of their books. • Anaphora is currently primarily printing books POD with Amazon’s KDP, and Ingram Content Group. • Anna Faktorovich was registered as a Publications Schedule Contract Holder with the U.S. General Services Administration between 2019-2024. • Most books can be published within 24 hours of payment. This is the fastest turn-around time in the publishing industry. Authors who anticipate they are likely to be reviewed by mainstream reviewers can opt to set a 4 to 6 months pre-release delay to wait for reviews. Ghostwriting and editing is available at the rate of $400/day, at the minimum speed of 3,000 words/day in any genre (non-fiction, and fiction). Book Submissions: Email the full manuscript, and paragraph-long biography, summary, and marketing plan in a single Word document to director@anaphoraliterary.com. Books should be completed prior to submission. Only light proofreading is included with the standard fee during the formatting process. Manuscripts should be single-spaced with blank lines only in places that are meant to be section-breaks, or the like. Payment: Books are sponsored with a $400 flat fee, or a 50-book purchase at 25% off the cover price (typically between $15-$25). Authors can alternatively purchase 100 copies at 40% off, or 200 copies at 55% off the cover price. To avoid paying a fee, the author can otherwise provide a marketing plan that proves the book will sell over 100 copies. Anna Faktorovich, PhD, is the Director and Owner, and performs all tasks herself, taking personal responsibility to assure maximized quality. |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Independent Publishers |
Company Website: | https://anaphoraliterary.com |
Email: | director@anaphoraliterary.com |
Phone: | 470-289-6395 |