Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
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Company Name: | VANTAGE PRESS, INC. |
Company Location(s): | New York, NY |
Imprints: | Vantage Press; Vantage Point; Andover Press |
Books per Year: | 150 + |
Number of Employees: | 20 |
Description: | We at Vantage Press are at the center of the rapidly expanding self-publishing industry, offering authors a rich and diverse suite of methods and programs designed to enhance the quality of their product and its visibility in a complex marketplace. We provide design, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and editorial services to the new, and not so new, author, and an entryway into both the print and ebook markets, online and at local retailers.
Company Website: | http://www.vantagepress.com |
Email: | mparsont@vantagepress.com |
Phone: | 212.736.1767 x117 |
Fax: | 212-736-2273 |