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Publishing Events is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.


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Subsidiary of: The Penguin Group is a Penguin Random House company.
Company Location(s): New York, NY London, UK Nottingham, UK (Ladybird) Camberwell, Australia Don Mills, Ontario, Canada New Delhi, India
Including imprints (Adult and Children's): Ace, Alpha, Amy Einhorn Books, Avery, Berkley, Blue Rider Press, BradyGames, Celebra, Current, Dial, Dutton, Dutton Children, Firebird, Frederick Warne, Gotham Books, G.P. Putnam�s Sons, G.P. Putnam�s Sons Books for Young Readers, Grosset & Dunlap, HP Books, Hudson Street Press, InterMix, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Jove, Marian Wood Books, Nancy Paulsen Books, New American Library, Onyx, Pamela Dorman Books, Penguin, The Penguin Press, Perigee, Philomel, Plume, Portfolio, Prentice Hall Press, Price Stern Sloan, Puffin, Razorbill, Riverhead, ROC, Sentinel, Signet Classics, Speak, Studio, Viking, and Viking Young Readers

Visionary book publisher renowned for pioneering a distinctive, highly visual style in its books for adults and children.

Adult Topics: gardening, conventional and holistic medicine, pregnancy & childcare, travel, cooking & wine, natural history, art, sports, popular culture, and languages. (Manuals, encyclopedias, atlases, maps, and handbooks.) Children's Topics: dinosaurs, space, nature, history, religion, sport and science, and a number of illustrated encyclopedias
Description: Penguin Random House is the leading adult and children’s publishing house in North America, the United Kingdom and many other regions around the world. In publishing the best books in every genre and subject for all ages, we are committed to quality, excellence in execution, and innovation throughout the entire publishing process: editorial, design, marketing, publicity, sales, production, and distribution. Our vibrant and diverse international community of nearly 250 publishing brands and imprints include Ballantine Bantam Dell, Berkley Books, Clarkson Potter, Crown, DK, Doubleday, Dutton, Fodor’s, Gotham, Grosset & Dunlap, Little Golden Books, Knopf, Modern Library, Pantheon, Penguin Books, Penguin Press, Penguin Random House Audio, Penguin Young Readers, Portfolio, Puffin, Putnam, Random House, Random House Children’s Books, Riverhead, Ten Speed Press, Viking, and Vintage, among others. More information can be found at ( and (
Type(s) of Publisher: Trade Publishing: Adult
Trade Publishing: Children's
Company Website:
Phone: 212-366-2000
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