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Publishing Events is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.


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Company Location(s): Austin, TX
Books per Year: Digital
Number of Employees: 130
Description: LibreDigital enables publishers to manage and market digital content, providing a web-based warehouse and distribution platform for six of the top ten book publishers and over 175 newspapers and periodicals. Our solutions allow publishers to store and secure digital content in any form, and to deliver content on-demand to any marketplace or device ? including the Apple iBookstore, the Blio eReader, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble nook, Sony Reader and many more.
We serve the world's top firms including HarperCollins Publishers, Hachette Book Group, Kaplan, Simon & Schuster and Scholastic. Backed by Adams Capital Management, Triangle Peak Partners, Noro-Moseley Partners, the New York Times Company, and HarperCollins Publishers we partner with a number of industry leaders, including Baker & Taylor, to provide a full range of solutions. We are based in Austin, Texas, with offices in New York City and London.
Company Website:
Phone: 210-255-8121
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