Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
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Company Name: | DRUNKEN BOAT |
Company Location(s): | New York, NY |
Books per Year: | 1 |
Number of Employees: | 40 |
Description: | Drunken Boat, international online journal of the arts is now hiring interns for the production of its next issue, to launch summer 2010. Quirky and urbane, with a global scope and a penchant for the digital arts, DB is looking for highly qualified candidates to work closely with the entire process of putting an issue together. We are looking for an editorial assistant and a web editorial assistant. You can check us out at www.drunkenboat.com to learn more.
Gain valuable career experience working with our editors on web production, proofreading, copywriting, PR, research, manuscript reading and review, in addition to administrative duties and correspondence with authors and artists. Design opportunities are available to savvy candidates, and we encourage our interns to express their interests and career goals so we can tailor the work to the individual. Requirements: + Junior, senior, or graduate student with a strong interest in publishing, literature, and the arts. + Reliable access to your own computer and high-speed internet connection a must. + Experience with HTML and CSS. The more, the better. Having a personal website or blog a plus. + Basic knowledge of Photoshop CS3 or higher with an eye for design + Experience with content-management systems and FTP servers a plus. + Familiarity with professional communications, as you will be a liaison to a number of well-known authors and artists. + Experience with and ease at Internet research +5-10 hours a week off-site ? must be able to meet deadlines! Additional requirements for web editorial intern: + Advanced Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and Javascript + Familiarity with PHP and SQL + Capable of working on markup directly, without a WYSIWYG editor + Familiarity with WordPress (preferred) If you think you'd be a good fit here at Drunken Boat, please email intern@drunkenboat.com with your resume, along with a brief cover letter indicating your interest in literature, the arts, and publishing, your career goals, along with your five favorite authors, or artists, any publications or websites you read regularly, and links to your blog or website if applicable. Can be for internship credit if approved by your department. |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Alternative Media Independent Publishers |
Company Website: | www.drunkenboat.com www.drunkenboat.com/db11/ |
Email: | intern@drunkenboat.com |
Phone: | 302.381.1103 |