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Company Location(s): | Sacramento, CA |
Description: | The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education (SLOCOE) is seeking Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from highly qualified, experienced writers of 1st-12th grade instructional materials, curricula, and/or textbooks to work on the development of the curriculum for California's Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI). SLOCOE is undertaking this solicitation under an Interagency Agreement with the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) and in cooperation with the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA).
The EEI Curriculum will provide K-12th grade teachers, schools and districts with standards-driven instructional materials that help students master California's academic content standards and California's Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&C). The EEI Curriculum will provide a scope and sequence for teaching the EP&C with clearly defined learning objectives that are targeted at helping students achieve mastery of selected academic content standards at each grade level. Monday, January 7, 2008 is the deadline for submission of Statement of Qualifications. Please refer to the EEI link found on the CREEC Network website at http://www.creec.org/stories/storyReader$198 for detailed information regarding the items listed below: l Request for Qualifications with all pertinent details l Application - Statement of Qualifications l Sample unit posted for review Please forward this email to anyone who may be interested and qualified. Thank you and please pardon any cross postings. Thank you. Celeste Royer Celeste Royer Statewide Director, CREEC Network San Luis Obispo County Office of Education 3350 Education Drive San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Email: croyer@slocoe.org Office 805-782-7224, Fax 805-594-0739 Cell 805-441-2349 Visit our website at www.creec.org |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Educational Publishing Professional and Scholarly Publishing Trade Publishing: Children's |
Email: | croyer@slocoe.org |
Phone: | 805-782-7224 |
Fax: | 805-594-0739 |