Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
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Company Name: | SCRIBE, INC. |
Company Location(s): | Philadelphia, PA |
Number of Employees: | 30 |
Description: | For fourteen years, Scribe has been providing publishers with a full range of superior quality services, including editorial, production, project management, e-book and Web development, content management systems, scanning and OCR, and much more. In collaboration with our clients, we handle most tasks from the time a publisher accepts a manuscript until it goes to press.
Multipurpose publishing and the Well-Formed Document Workflow set Scribe apart from other service providers. Based on our well-formed document philosophy of publishing, we utilize cutting-edge technology to make our processes as efficient and cost effective as possible. We capitalize on the power of electronic tools to eliminate redundancies, thereby saving clients time and money. In addition, our Well-Formed Document Workflow opens up the possibilities of multipurpose publishing. Multipurpose publishing gives publishers access to multiple revenue streams from a single body of content, be that a printed book, an e-book, Web content, or any combination of formats. Scribe's goal is to collaborate with clients to enable them to achieve their publishing goals as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Alternative Media Educational Publishing Independent Publishers Professional and Scholarly Publishing Trade Publishing: Adult University Presses |
Company Website: | www.scribenet.com |
Email: | scribe@scribenet.com |
Phone: | 215-336-5094 |
Fax: | 215-336-5092 |