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Company Name: | TAX ANALYSTS |
Company Location(s): | Falls Church, Virginia |
Number of Employees: | 200 |
Description: | Tax Analysts is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization fostering informed debate on federal, state, and international tax policy. We seek to encourage the development of tax systems that are fair, simple, and economically efficient. We challenge lawmakers, policymakers, and administrators to take into account the rights and concerns of all taxpayers, not just special interests. To further our public-service mission, we supply a variety of information resources for tax professionals, all at a reasonable cost. We offer daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly publications that provide news and analysis on tax policy, practice, administration, regulation, and legislation. Our publications also provide forums for debate on a wide range of tax issues. Tax professionals worldwide depend on Tax Analysts for news, analysis, commentary, and documents. Tax Analysts has more reporters and commentators dedicated exclusively to tax issues than any other publisher. |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Trade Publishing: Adult |
Company Website: | http://www.taxanalysts.com |
Email: | HR@tax.org |
Phone: | 703-533-4400 |