Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
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Company Name: | GUIDEPOSTS |
Company Location(s): | Carmel, NY |
Imprints: | Guideposts
Ideals Ellie Claire Summerside Press |
Description: | Guideposts, a nonprofit organization, touches millions of lives every day through products and services that inspire, encourage and uplift. Our magazines, books, and outreach products and services help people connect their faith-filled values to their daily lives. To learn more visit www.guideposts.com/about.
Our popular magazines such as Guideposts and Angels on Earth touch the lives of millions with true stories connecting ordinary people with extraordinary results. Guideposts also offers inspirational, best-selling books like our Daily Guideposts devotional, as well as all-occasion cards, beautiful music, and other products that serve to uplift, encourage and inspire. |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Trade Publishing: Adult Trade Publishing: Children's |
Company Website: | www.guideposts.org |
Email: | humanresources@guideposts.org |
Phone: | 203-749-0251 |