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Publishing Events is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.


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Company Name: CENGAGE
Subsidiary of: Cengage Learning
Company Location(s): Stamford, CT
Imprints: Wadsworth, Heinle, South-Western, Duxbury, Brooks/Cole, Delmar, Gale, Prometric, NETg, Course Technology
Number of Employees: 5,300
Description: Cengage Learning delivers state-of-the-art, tailored learning solutions for individuals, businesses and institutions around the world. We deliver these solutions through specialized content, applications and services that foster academic excellence, professional development and measurable competitive advantage. Our market group is made up of complementary, yet diverse businesses that provide the products and services you need for learning. What we provide - and how we provide it - goes beyond just textbooks and programs. By offering a full range of learning resources we offer solutions for today and tomorrow - solutions that evolve with you and for you. With the depth and breadth of our products and services, our businesses can offer the tailored, best-in class solution that's right for you.

Cengage Learning is among the world's largest providers of tailored learning solutions. In the academic marketplace, we serve secondary, post-secondary and graduate-level students, teachers, and learning institutions in both traditional and distance learning environments. In the professional and corporate training marketplaces, we offer adult education and certification materials for corporations, training centers and individuals. For all of our customers, we help them find a total learning solution by offering courseware, test preparation, testing, assessment, and certification. Our products and services are sold throughout the world, through direct channels and via a worldwide network of distributors.
Type(s) of Publisher: Educational Publishing
Company Website:
Phone: 203-539-8000
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