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Company Location(s): | New York, NY |
Imprints: | Type of Books Publisher
All areas of education from infant/toddler to adult learning, psychology, sociology and culture, history, philosophy, and women's studies Number of Books per year Number of Employees Human Resources Contact Description For over a century, Teachers College Press has been committed to addressing the ideas that matter most to educators Type(s) of Publisher PROFESSIONAL & SCHOLARLY Link to Company's Website http://www.teacherscollegepress.com/ Company Location(s) New York, NY |
Books per Year: | 65 |
Number of Employees: | 23 |
Description: | University Press that publishes scholarly, text, and professional titles for educators. |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Educational Publishing Professional and Scholarly Publishing Trade Publishing: Adult |
Company Website: | http://www.tcpress.com |
Email: | shayegan@exchange.tc.columbia.edu |
Phone: | (212) 678-3475 |