Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
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Company Name: | BOOKBRIGHT MEDIA |
Company Location(s): | Atlanta, GA |
Bookbright Media assists publishers of reference books, textbooks, educational materials, reference databases, and online archives. We provide project management, content development, editorial services, online reference database management, and book typesetting and production. Services are provided in English, Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and other languages. SMART TECHNOLOGIES We've developed proprietary technologies and methods for editorial work, project management, database management, and composition. Our in-house project managers, editors, and quality control specialists can deliver XML-based or traditional content for maximum flexibility in multi-platform print and digital publishing. NATIVE ENGLISH AND MULTIPLE-LANGUAGE CAPACITY Our US and Canadian writers and editors produce the highest quality English-language content. Our offshore partners provide services in Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and other languages with native speakers and fluently bilingual editors. SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE We have in-house and in-network expertise in business, criminology, disabilities, education, economics, law, modern languages, political science, social sciences, and much more. We have writers and researchers proficient in writing for various reading levels and numerous specialist readerships. |
Type(s) of Publisher: | Alternative Media Independent Publishers |
Company Website: | www.bookbrightmedia.com |
Email: | careers@bookbrightmedia.com |
Phone: | 404-753-9004 |