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Publishing Events is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.


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Company Location(s): Atlanta, Beijing, Brussels, Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, New York and Washington D.C.
Description: Kellen supports, guides and promotes the professions and industries that impact people around the world every day. From the safety of the food we eat to the soundness of the buildings we live and work in to assurances about healthcare issues, we are committed to the success of the organizations we work with because we care about the many ways their work serves others.

Our 300 professionals around the globe are specially trained in areas ranging from engineering to nutrition, from integrated communications to global consulting, and of course, in association management and meeting planning. And while association management is what we're best known for - it's just one part of what we do.
Type(s) of Publisher: Alternative Media
Company Website:
Phone: 212-297-2144
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