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Publishing Events is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.


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Company Location(s): New York, NY
Description: Brian DeFiore started the agency in 1999, after close to twenty years working in mainstream publishing houses, including stints as an Editor at St. Martin's Press, as VP Editorial Director at Dell/Delacorte, as VP and Editor-in-Chief at Hyperion, and as SVP and Publisher of Villard Books/Random House Publishing Group.

He started the agency based on several beliefs:

- That while the industry was being roiled by mergers and retail threats, there was no indication that people wanted to read fewer good books. While the corporations were in for some upheaval, there would be a good business in helping authors manage the transition.

- That he wanted to build a company that honored quality and editorial acumen. He wanted to work with authors and books that would live or die based on their ability to please readers.

- That talented agents like talented editors will not only market books creatively and aggressively, but will help authors make their work the best it can possibly be.

- That an intimate and successful history with and understanding of the editorial and publishing processes within publishing houses would be a huge asset to clients of the agency.

In the following years several agents joined, and hundreds of clients that include debut authors, prominent journalists, award winning novelists, food writers and innovators, important voices in all categories of adult fiction, non-fiction, young adult and children's publishing. New York Times bestsellers included books by Neal Barnard, Lauren Conrad, Joel Fuhrman, John Grogan, Jen Lancaster, Holly Madison, David Rensin, Tom Ryan, Brandon Stanton, Frank Warren, Rick Yancey and the late Louis Zamperini.

Sixteen years after it began, the agency now has a staff of fourteen. The agents who are part of the team here share the belief that our role is to serve the best interests of our clients by using our combined experience and knowledge of the publishing and media industries to help them create their best work, and make sure it is published and marketed in the most dynamic and innovative ways possible.
Type(s) of Publisher: Independent Publishers
Company Website:
Phone: 212-925-7744
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