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Publishing Events is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.


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Company Location(s): Reading, CT
Description: I'm Jan Kardys, Literary Agent, Black Hawk Literary Agency, Chairman/Founder of Unicorn Writers' Conference, and President of Unicorn for Writers (40 diverse services for writers), based in Redding, CT. I also teach various classes at libraries, and currently:

I'm requesting five (5) outstanding interns requiring a minimum of four hours a week. I'm looking for students who would love to work for us as an intern and enter the world of book publishing.

These are unpaid internships, but their worth cannot be overstated.

Your students will learn from me, a woman with over 40 years of publishing experience working for ten major NYC book publishers, including three years at Google.

Like your professors, I love teaching and sharing my knowledge, especially with young people who have their whole careers in front of them.

Each student will receive personal training in these basic skills before beginning any work:

1. How to write a business letter
2. How to write an appropriate emails to clients, literary agents, book editors and publishers
3. Research skills related to agents, editors, publishers, and possible sponsors for Unicorn Writers' Conference
4. Learn how to use key Google Products related to publishing
5. Use Google Documents and Spreadsheets (Excel, Word, etc)
6. Research in: Literary Marketplace, Writer's Digest, Poets & Writers, Library of Congress, Books in Print, Publishers Marketplace, and other important websites related to book publishing
7. List books on the craft of writing for new writers See:
8. Help locate best selling authors for conference

Within several weeks we hope that student will begin reading manuscripts for Black Hawk Literary Agency:
1. Read and reply to query letters after training
2. Assist with submissions of manuscripts to book publishers
3. Call editors at publishing companies
4. Prepare authors' packet for manuscript submissions
5. Learn out to research the competition for a book
6. Review and rewrite author bios
7. Review and rewrite book summaries
8. Help plan authors' website and blogs
9. Give direction on social media to writers
10.Comment on manuscript pages as possible clients or reasons for rejecting a submission

Unicorn for Writers
1. Assist with mailing out new brochures to writers
2. Assist with spreadsheet with email contacts from LinkedIn
3. Assist with social media and developing new campaigns
4. Attend online classes on book publishing given by Jan Kardys and Bob Zaslow
5.Send notices to Meetup and Writers group about Unicorn for Writers and our classes
6. Training given in copyediting, proofreading, and editing
7. Developing Marketing Plans for Writers (under our supervision)

Unicorn Writers' Conference
1. Assist in contacting and finding literary agents to attend the conference
2. Assist and contact editors
3. Find interesting guest speakers and published authors
4. Write workshop descriptions
5. Help design a brochure for the conference
6. Find gifts for the attendees and guest speakers
7. Develop spreadsheet of expenses and profits
8. Assist in nonprofit mailing to 25 states of libraries, bookstores, colleges
9. Help design ads for Writer's Digest Magazine, Poets & Writers, The Writer
10. Obtain free magazines from above list
11. Find new book bags and have brand image on bag (check in Japan, China, etc)
12. Order purple crystal pens from China (again)
13. Contact PC NameTag for badges
14. Develop massive genre list for agents and email previous attendees/writers from 2010-2015.
15. Find new bus company to take faculty from NYC to Purchase, NY
16. Find printers to make notebooks with brand image on it. Get best prices.
17. Find sponsors and get their brochures and free samples for book bags
Company Website:
Phone: 203-938-7405
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