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Company Name: | REDLEAF PRESS |
Subsidiary of: | Think Small |
Company Location(s): | St. Paul, Minnesota |
Imprints: | Redleaf Press, Redleaf Lane |
Books per Year: | 25-30 |
Number of Employees: | 20 |
Description: | Established in 1973, Redleaf Press is a leading nonprofit publisher of exceptional curriculum, management, and business resources for early childhood professionals. Our educational and instructional publications improve the lives of children by strengthening and supporting the teachers, trainers, and families who care for them. Redleaf Press titles represent a broad range of topics designed to assist teachers in providing a stimulating, child-centered curriculum based on sound and accepted theory. |
Company Website: | www.redleafpress.org |
Email: | sostfield@redleafpress.org |
Phone: | 651-641-6631 |
Fax: | 800-641-0115 |