Bookjobs.com is sponsored by the Association of American Publishers, the leading trade association for the U.S. book and journal publishing industry.
Program Details
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Program Name: | Emerson College Publishing and Writing (MA) |
Education Awarded: | Master of Arts in Publishing and Writing |
Description: | Designed primarily to meet the needs of students who are interested in pursuing careers in publishing or as writers or professionals in a writing-related field. The M.A. program offers courses in book, magazine, and electronic publishing; fiction and nonfiction writing; and in literature and criticism. Internship and apprenticeship opportunities are available through the program in Boston publishing and production firms and advertising agencies. The book publishing sequence is endorsed by the Education Committee of the Association of American Publishers. Areas of focus:
Location: | Boston, MA |
Link to Program's Website | https://www.emerson.edu/academics/publishing-writing-ma |